Methods of sheet metal processes such as stretching, shearing, blanking, bending, deep drawing, redrawing are introduced. • Variables in sheet forming process will be discussed together with formability and test methods. • Defects occurring during the forming process will be emphasised. The solutions to such defect problems will also be given. | Chapter 6 Sheet-metal forming Subjects of interest Introduction objectives Deformation geometry Forming equipments Shearing and blanking Bending Stretch forming Deep drawing Forming limit criteria Defects in formed parts Suranaree University of Technology Tapany Udomphol Jan-Mar 2007 Objectives Methods of sheet metal processes such as stretching shearing blanking bending deep drawing redrawing are introduced. Variables in sheet forming process will be discussed together with formability and test methods. Defects occurring during the forming process will be emphasised. The solutions to such defect problems will also be given. Suranaree University of Technology Tapany Udomphol Jan-Mar 2007 s1 The process is carried out in the plane of sheet by tensile forces with high ratio of surface area to thickness. High rate of production and formability is determined by its mechanical properties. Friction conditions at the tool-metal interface are very important and controlled by press conditions lubrication tool material and surface condition and strip surface condition. Sheet metal forming is a process that materials undergo permanent deformation by cold forming to produce a variety of complex three dimensional shapes. Introduction Suranaree University of Technology Tapany Udomphol Jan-Mar 2007