Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P13. The book gradually introduces the reader to increasingly sophisticated arrangements, with each chapter adding a new layer of technical is a very useful and practical book. | Studio Photography Essential Skills Perspective Vtadl ho-oh. object .thin the ftotno and then place . the composition. It is this relationship that gives a sense of depth in a two-dimensional photograph. Diminishing perspective is when objects reduce in size as the distance from the arn o peht object increases. Converging perspective is when lines that in real life are parallel appear to converge asihey re cede eye hasafixedfocal lengthand a peaspe criev S eteimmrf ayvlewpoini . OWotograohie paripectinehanbraltered by draiernggafe Daut ceoOdeetgm i itfrotntVeauI j tr. Steep perspecti 3 a-111 . t 11 Th .ia i. d Crtanwcand real emong eeppetsteesssc A AUtprcl close to the lens will look disproportionately large compared to its surroundings. Objects bjec. willap ar much further away from the camera due to the closer viewpoint often associated with a wide angle lens. Steep perspective Stuart Wilson Compressed perspective The distant viewpoint of a long lens condenses distance and scale creating compressed perspective . A subject close to the lens will look similar in size to other subject behind and to the side of the main subject will appear closer together than reality. Compressed perspective Stuart Wilson .