Joe Celko s SQL for Smarties - Advanced SQL Programming P59. In the SQL database community, Joe Celko is a well-known columnist and purveyor of valuable insights. In Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming, he picks up where basic SQL training and experience leaves many database professionals and offers tips, techniques, and explanations that help readers extend their capabilities to top-tier SQL programming. Although Celko denies that the book is about database theory, he nevertheless alludes to theory often to buttress his practical points. This title is not for novices, as the author points out. Instead, its intended. | 552 CHAPTER 24 REGIONS RUNS GAPS SEQUENCES AND SERIES 1004 N 1003 Y 1002 Y 1001 Y 1000 N The results we want assign a grouping number to each run of on-time late payments thus Results grping payment_nbr paid_on_ 1 1006 Y 1 1005 Y 2 1004 N 3 1003 Y 3 1002 Y 3 1001 Y 4 1000 N time A solution by Hugo Kornelis depends on the payments always being numbered consecutively. SELECT SELECT COUNT FROM PaymentHistory AS H2 PaymentHistory AS H3 WHERE 1 AND AND 1 AS grping payment_nbr paid_on_time FROM PaymentHistory AS H1 This can be modified for more types of behavior. Finding Regions of Maximum Size A query to find a region rather than a subregion of a known size of seats was presented in SQL Forum Rozenshtein Abramovich and Birger 1993 . SELECT thru FROM Theater AS T1 Theater AS T2 WHERE O Finding Regions of Maximum Size 553 AND NOT EXISTS SELECT FROM Theater AS T3 WHERE BETWEEN AND AND A OR 1 AND A OR - 1 AND A The trick here is to look for the starting and ending seats in the region. The starting seat_nbr of a region is to the right of a sold seat_nbr and the ending seat_nbr is to the left of a sold seat_nbr. No seat_nbr between the start and the end has been sold. If you only keep the available seat_nbrs in a table the solution is a bit easier. It is also a more general problem that applies to any table of sequential possibly noncontiguous data CREATE TABLE AvailableSeating seat_nbr INTEGER NOT NULL CONSTRAINT valid_seat_nbr CHECK seat_nbr BETWEEN 001 AND 999 INSERT INTO Seatings VALUES 199 200 201 202 204 210 211 212 214 218 You need to create a result that will show the start and finish values of each sequence in the table thus Results start finish 199 202 204 204 210 212 214 214 .