Study English slowly and methodically. American English speakers often use the verb “to cram” when describing their studies. “To cram” means to try to place something forcefully into something else. When American students talk about “cramming,” they mean that they study very quickly and try to put as much infor- mation as possible into their minds. Cramming is not the way to prepare for the TOEFL test. Learn English completely. Read books and magazines, watch televi- sion, watch movies, listen to conversations, and write. Do everything you can to obtain a good foundation in English | CliffsTestPrep TOEFL CBT Michael A. Pyle Test-prep essentials from the experts at CliffsN tes Test-taking tips and tricks at CliffsTestPrep TOEFL CBT by Michael A. Pyle IDG BOOKS WORLDWIDE IDG Books Worldwide Inc. An International Data Group Company Foster City CA Chicago IL Indianapolis IN New York NY About the Author Michael A. Pyle earned a bachelor s degree in English in 1977 and a master s degree in Linguistics in 1979. He has been involved in the field of English as a Second Language since he began work on his master s degree in 1977. The original TOEFLtest preparation book that he co-authored was created while Mike was teaching at the University of Florida s English Language Institute and Santa Fe Community College in Gainesville Florida in 1982. He also wrote Cliffs Advanced Practice for the TOEFL in 1992. Although Mike no longer actively teaches for any institution he periodically makes presentations to individual classes at Daytona Beach Community College and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach Florida. He is a member of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages TESOL and regularly attends its annual meetings. He has made presentations on teaching techniques related to TOEFL at TESOL annual meetings from time to time. Publisher Acknowledgments Editorial Project Editor Joan Friedman Copy Editor Billie A. Williams Editorial Assistant Alison Jefferson Special Help Constance Carlisle audio CD producer ripple FX audio CD engineering Voice Scouts audio CD talent Brian Talbot Becky Wilmes and Chuck Campbell audio CD narration Production Proofreader Arielle Carole Mennelle IDG Books Indianapolis Production Department Note If you purchased this book without a cover you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as unsold and destroyed to the hpublisher and neither the author nor the publisher as received any payment for this stripped book. CliffsTestPrep TOEFL CBT Published by IDG Books Worldwide .