OCA /OCP Oracle Database 11g A ll-in-One Exam Guide- P109:There is an ever increasing demand for staff with IT industry certification. The benefits to employers are significant—they can be certain that staff have a certain level of competence—and the benefits to the individuals, in terms of demand for their services, are equally great. Many employers are now requiring technical staff to have certifications, and many IT purchasers will not buy from firms that do not have certified staff. | OCA OCP Oracle Database 11g All-in-One Exam Guide 1026 SYSDBA privilege auditing activity of 241 managing connections for 238-239 using during authentication 114-115 SYSOPER privilege remote login to password file with 238-239 using during authentication 114-115 system global area. See SGA System Monitor SMON 29 system privileges 216-219 SYSTEM tablespaces 180 721 T tables. See also constraints indexes joins altering definitions after creating 269-270 cautions using pure natural joins 485 comparing patterns in 398-400 constraints for 283-290 creating Flashback Data Archive for 737-739 cross join effects on 485-486 data normalization in 371-374 in databases 12 defined 261 defining constraints for 286-288 deleting rows in 323-325 dropping and truncating 270 702 error message for missing 387 exercise 270-273 external 834-838 fetching data with outer joins 485 500-505 flashback drop recoveries 550 701-702 715 721 flashback queries in 725-727 generating with subqueries 518 heap 266 267-268 high water mark of 326 832 HR schema 377 joining 482 limiting rows in 392-400 listing available data types for 263-266 MOVE command for reorganizing 854 need for indexes 275-276 null comparisons in 400 null values in 390-391 n-way joins for 495-496 497 obtaining metadata for 369-370 parent-child relationships between 500 performing self-joins on 498-500 populating 316-320 querying while moving 854 range comparisons in 395 397 relational theory of 370-371 reorganizing 853-855 review 304 rolling back transactions 336-337 351 self test and answers for 305-314 set comparisons with IN operator 395 397-398 showing all database 47 shrinking 855-859 861 simple and advanced 266 sorting retrieved rows 403-405 source and target 482-483 specifying constraint state for 288-289 subqueries creating 268-269 table aliases 487-489 temporary 273-275 unable to shrink types of 858 undoing vs. redoing data for 333 updating rows in 320-323 views 47 290-295 WEBSTORE schema 378-379 tablespaces 180-197 alert .