Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P71. Designed for use in a one or two-semester Introductory Circuit Analysis or Circuit Theory Course taught in Electrical or Computer Engineering Departments. Electric Circuits 9/e is the most widely used introductory circuits textbook of the past 25 years. As this book has evolved over the years to meet the changing learning styles of students, importantly, the underlying teaching approaches and philosophies remain unchanged. | 676 The Fourier Transform Figure 10 fl ---------W- 1 H What percentage of the total 1 fl energy content in the output current i0 lies in the frequency range 0 co 100 rad s Figure 500 mH a Use the Fourier transform method to find vo in pspice the circuit in Fig. when MULTISIM ig 18el M-f - 18e- i zi t A. b Find t 0 . c Find wo 0 . d Do the answers obtained in b and c make sense in terms of known circuit behavior Explain. Figure 10 mF When the input voltage to the system shown in Fig. is 15u V the output voltage is vo 10 30e 2 V - 40e 30 z t V. What is the output voltage if v 15 sgn f V Figure 0 r r Input voltage z Output voltage Section It is given that F w ewu co e wu co . a Find f f . b Find the 1 fl energy associated with f t via time-domain integration. c Repeat b using frequency-domain integration. d Find the value of coj if f t has 90 of the energy in the frequency band 0 co cob The circuit shown in Fig. is driven by the current 12e 10iz f A. The input current signal in the circuit seen in Fig. is is 30e 2 u t zA t 0 . What percentage of the total 1 Q energy content in the output signal lies in the frequency range 0 to 4 rad s Figure The input voltage in the circuit in Fig. is vg 30cC r V. a Find vo f . b Sketch Vg co for -5 co 5 rad s. c Sketch V co for 5 co 5 rad s. d Calculate the 1 il energy content of vg. e Calculate the 1 il energy content of v . f What percentage of the 1 fl energy content in vg lies in the frequency range 0 co 2 rad s g Repeat f for vo. Figure 20 n V 125 mF The amplitude spectrum of the input voltage to the high-pass RC filter in Fig. is V2 co - 100 rad s co 200 rad s co Vy co 0 elsewhere. Problems 677 a Sketch V w 2 for -300 w 300 rad s. b Sketch Vf w 2 for -300 a 300 rad s. c Calculate the 1 il energy in the signal at the input of the filter. d Calculate the 1 il energy in the signal at the output of the