Using List Controls In the page in Listing , the MultiSelectList control is bound to a SqlDataSource control, which represents the contents of the Movies database table. You can select movie titles in the MultiSelectList control by moving movie titles from one list box to the second list box. When you click the Submit button, the selected movies display in a Label control. Summary In this chapter, you learned how to use List controls to display simple option lists. You saw the DropDownList, RadioButtonList, ListBox, CheckBoxList, and BulletedList controls. You also saw the common features of the List. | 484 CHAPTER 10 Using List Controls hr asp Label id lblSelected EnableViewState false Runat server div form body html In the page in Listing the MultiSelectList control is bound to a SqlDataSource control which represents the contents of the Movies database table. You can select movie titles in the MultiSelectList control by moving movie titles from one list box to the second list box. When you click the Submit button the selected movies display in a Label control. Summary In this chapter you learned how to use List controls to display simple option lists. You saw the DropDownList RadioButtonList ListBox CheckBoxList and BulletedList controls. You also saw the common features of the List controls. You learned how to append data items to a List control and automatically post a form containing a List control back to the server. Finally you worked through the creation of a custom List control which involved deriving a new control from the base ListControl class. The custom List control takes advantage of client-side JavaScript to enable users to select multiple list items without requiring a page to post back to the server when each item is selected. From the Library of Wow eBook CHAPTER 11 Using the GridView Control T he Gridview control is the workhorse of Framework. It is one of the most feature-rich and complicated of all the controls. The GridView control enables you to display select sort page and edit data items such as database records. IN THIS CHAPTER GridView Control Fundamentals Using Fields with the Gridview Control Working with GridView Control Events Extending the GridView Control Summary NOTE The GridView control supersedes the DataGrid control included in the ASPNET Framework. The DataGrid control is still included in ASPNET 4 for backward compatibility but you should use the GridView instead because it is a more powerful control. In this chapter you learn everything you ever wanted to know about the GridView control. You learn