Các mã cho các ValidatedField quá dài để bao gồm trong chương này. Mã nguồn của toàn bộ (cả C # và ) có thể được tải về từ trang web của cuốn sách. Các mã nguồn cho các ValidatedField có hai lớp. Nó chứa các lớp ValidatedField và lớp EditContainer. | 564 CHAPTER 11 Using the GridView Control O http localhost 4790 - Show Vnlidatedfipld - Manila Firefox fn 1X Movie Title Date Released Box Office Totals Edit Titanic Saturday June 21 1997 600 000 Edit Star Wars Wednesday. June 01. 1977 500 000 Edit Jurassic Park Thursday. June 17 1993 00 Edit Jaws Friday May 30 1975 300 000 Edit Ghost Thursday. June 11. 1990 200 000 Edit Forrest Gump Saturday. June IS. 1994 00 Edit Ice Age Wednesday June 26 2002 200 000 Edit Shrek Monday. June 25. 2001 100 000 Update Cancel lequned apple invalid apple invalid Edit The Ring Friday. July 05. 2002 100 000 javascnpt _doPostBack grdMovies dl 1 lirtOO FIGURE Using ValidatedField to edit a record. ValidatedField is a composite field. The field contains three child controls a TextBox RequiredFieldValidator and CompareValidator wrapped up in a container control. The code for the ValidatedField is too long to include in this chapter. The entire source code in both C and can be downloaded from the book s website. The source code for the ValidatedField contains two classes. It contains the ValidatedField class and the EditContainer class. The ValidatedField class derives from the BoundField class and overrides the InitializeDataCell method. When a row is not selected for editing the field simply displays the value of the data item associated with it. When a row is selected for editing the field creates a new EditContainer control. The EditContainer control contains a TextBox RequiredFieldValidator and CompareValidator EditContainer implements the INamingContainer interface. Implementing this interface prevents naming collisions when more than one instance of ValidatedField is used in a GridView row. ValidatedField is used in the page in Listing . This page contains a GridView control that you can use to edit the Movies database table. The GridView control includes three ValidatedFields for the Title .