64 Chapter 2: The HTML Language Example : CSS styles for paragraphs, block quotes, and address blocks (continued) My associate thought that the quote originated with the designer, Aldo Gucci. I thought it came from Benjamin Franklin. If you have a direct reference source, please contact me at: Author Dent hitchhiker@ Figure : Styling block quotes and address blocks with CSS The break element, , is used in the address block in Example , where an explicit line break is needed in the text content. It is a self-closing element often used to clear a floating element by including. | 64 Chapter 2 The HTML Language Example CSS styles for paragraphs block quotes and address blocks continued p My associate thought that the quote originated with the designer Aldo Gucci. I thought it came from Benjamin Franklin. If you have a direct reference source please contact me at p address Author Dent br hitchhiker@ address body html nc_Example 2 12 I was recently reminded ot one my favorite quotes when it appeared on the back ot a business card given to me at a mooting i TÍie bitterness ofjpoor quaftty remains iong after tbe sweetness i í of a daw price is forgotten. i My associate thought that tho quote originated with the designer. Aldo Gucci. I thought it came from Benjamin Franklin. If you have a direct reference source please contact mo at Author Dent Figure Styling block quotes and address blocks with CSS The break element br is used in the address block in Example where an explicit line break is needed in the text content. It is a self-closing element often used to clear a floating element by including either a cl ear or styl e attribute br clear both br style clear both From the Library of Wow eBook Block Elements 65 Two line breaks in a row does not mean twice the vertical space on the page. A break element calls for a line break to be present in the content flow. The browser is free to ignore the tag if a line break already exists at that point. Also when working with many WYSIWYG and online content editors the software strips extra line breaks from the HTML or adds its own. It is better to control vertical space using CSS than to try to position things with extra line breaks or empty paragraphs. Example shows how to use line breaks in formatting lines of a poem. Example Paragraphs and line breaks DOCTYPE html html head title Example title head body h1 Twelve h1 hr p The five colors blind the eye. br The five tones deafen the ear. br The five flavors dull .