Technology status and perspectives in the bioenergy sector

Reasons for Market Development: High standards on technical development. Different standardized types of digesters and plant technologies. Consolidation of Dry Fermentation Technology. Automatisation of system control and operation. Enabling environment & economic incentives. Fixed Feed in Tarrifs guaranteed for 20 years, Energy Crop Bonus. Regulated grid access at reasonable cost. | Àik I Federal Ministry I of Economics I and Technology Fachgruppe Biogas Weckelweiler Energy Technology status and perspectives in the bioenergy sector Biogas from Energy Crop and waste in Germany tk I Federal Ministry Tri I of Economics I and Technology Biogas from Energy Crop und waste in Germany Overview Feedstock Market Perspectives Technology option I Energy Crop Technology option II Co-Fermentation Economics feasibility yields costs benefits 1 Biogas in Germany Overview 2 àXX I Federal Ministry I of Economics I and Technology Fachgruppe Biogas Weckelweiler History and Status Quo Biogas in Germany 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Number of installed plants 2600 3500 3710 3900 4600 Electrical installed capacity MWel 650 1100 1270 1370 1740 Electricity TWh a 5 Contribution to overall electricity production 1 Manufacturers income generation Billion EUR 1 Operators income generation Mio EUR 360 650 750 Participation in exporting sector 8 12 15 Employments 5 000 10 000 10 000 8 500 10 500 CO2 Reduction Mio t a 5

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