Chú ý Nếu máy tính vật lý chỉ sử dụng lưu trữ trực tiếp, chăm sóc để sao chép bất kỳ dữ liệu đã thay đổi kể từ quá trình P2V bắt đầu, nếu cần thiết. Làm thế nào dữ liệu này được thu thập phụ thuộc vào loại dữ liệu và làm thế nào nó được lưu trữ. Trên cơ sở dữ liệu địa phương, ví dụ, các cơ sở dữ liệu có thể phải được thực hiện offline (quiesced), di chuyển để lưu trữ tạm thời, và sao chép vào máy ảo mới được tạo ra | 310 10 Creating Guest Images from Existing Production and Virtual Systems Copy the hard disk. Deploy the file using Background Intelligent Transfer Service BITS . Make the operating system virtualizable. Install the VM components. Start the VM to install the VM components. Stop the VM. Remove the source machine agent. Remove the VMM agent. Finalizing the P2V Online Conversion After the physical computer has been captured and deployed as a VM the administrator can turn off the source physical computer and start the new VM. NOTE If the physical computer is using only direct attached storage take care to copy any data that has changed since the P2V process began if necessary. How this data is collected depends on the type of data and how it is stored. On local databases for example the database may have to be taken offline quiesced migrated to temporary storage and copied to the newly created VM. Performing a V2V Conversion During a V2V conversion an existing VMware ESX VM configuration file and its associated virtual disk files are converted to Hyper-V VM files. The VMM administrator does not need administrator rights on the VMware VM to perform the conversion because the V2V conversion is just converting files to another type. The VMware VM is turned off and the files are copied to the VMM library for conversion. NOTE The administrator should perform a disk defragmentation on the source computer s hard drives to help minimize the time required for the imaging phase. Also ensure that a fast network connection exists between the source and VMM computers. Download at Performing a V2V Conversion 311 Performing a V2V Conversion The administrator can use VMM to convert VMs that run on VMware ESX into Windows 2008 Hyper-V VMs. This is known as a virtual to virtual or V2V conversion. Ensure that the source VM meets the operating system and additional requirements listed at the beginning of this chapter. Adding VMware VM Files to the VMM Library Before the .