Chú ý Sự tiến bộ của việc triển khai máy ảo có thể được theo dõi bằng cách chọn các máy ảo trong các cổng thông tin tự phục vụ và nhấp vào Properties trong cửa sổ Actions. Sau đó nhấp vào tab việc làm mới nhất. | 330 11 Using Virtual Machine Manager 2008 for Provisioning 10. On the Summary page carefully review the settings and click Create to proceed with the creation of the Self-Service User role or click Previous to go back and change the configuration. The Create User Role Wizard offers a View Script button. This option allows the administrator to view modify and save the PowerShell commands that the wizard will execute to create the Self-Service User role as shown in the following example VMPermission 1023 AddMember COMPANYABC Administrator COMPANYABC amy hostGroup1 Get-VMHostGroup -VMMServer vmm2008 where -eq All Hosts Domain Hosts SF Application Hosts hostGroup2 Get-VMHostGroup -VMMServer vmm2008 where -eq All Hosts Perimiter Hosts SF Perimeter Hosts AddScope hostGroup1 hostGroup2 Set-VMMUserRole -VMPermission VMPermission -AddMember AddMember -RemoveQuotaPoint -AddScope AddScope -LibraryStoreSharePath MSSCVMMLibrary VHDs -VMMServer vmm2008 -JobGroup 3dcd2c05-3271-4fbd-b905-e42a4295aadb New-VMMUserRole -Name SF Application Servers Self-service -Description Members who can provision their own application server VMs using the Self-service portal in the San Francisco regional office. -UserRoleProfile SelfServiceUser -JobGroup 3dcd2c05-3271-4fbd-b905-e42a4295aadb This code can be saved and edited to facilitate creating other Self-Service User roles from the VMM command shell. Modifying User Roles The administrator of a user role can modify an existing user role by modifying its properties in the Administrator console. To modify a user role follow these steps 1. Open the VMM Administrator console using the shortcut on the Windows desktop or via the Start menu under Microsoft System Center VMM 2008 VMM Administrator console. A Connect to Server window may open prompting for the VMM server to connect to. Enter the server name and connection port the default is port 8100 using the format VMMserver port. NOTE You may choose to always open