Chú ý Nếu bạn đang loại bỏ các nút từ một cụm có sử dụng các nút đa số Quorum mô hình, hãy chắc chắn rằng đa số các nút vẫn có, nếu không, cluster có thể được tắt. Nếu điều này là không thể, bạn có thể cần phải thay đổi mô hình đại biểu trước khi loại bỏ một nút từ failover cluster. | 380 12 Application-Level Failover and Disaster Recovery in a Hyper-V Environment 12. When the node resumes operation if necessary move the groups to this node and perform the maintenance tasks on the remaining nodes in the cluster. 13. After completing the maintenance tasks on all the failover cluster nodes close Failover Cluster Management and log off of the server. Removing Nodes from a Failover Cluster Cluster nodes can be removed from a cluster for a number of reasons and this process can be accomplished quite easily. NOTE If you re removing nodes from a cluster that uses the Node Majority Quorum model be sure that a majority of the nodes remain available otherwise the cluster may be shut down. If this is not possible you might need to change the quorum model before removing a node from the failover cluster. To remove a node from a failover cluster follow these steps 1. Log on to one of the Windows Server 2008 cluster nodes with an account with administrator privileges over all nodes in the cluster. 2. Click Start All Programs Administrative Tools and select Failover Cluster Management. 3. When the Failover Cluster Management console opens if necessary type in the name of the local cluster node to connect to the cluster. 4. In the tree pane select the cluster name expand it and select Nodes. 5. Expand nodes to reveal all the cluster nodes. 6. Right-click the node that will be removed from the cluster select More Actions and click Evict. 7. A Confirmation window will open. Select the option to evict the desired node from the cluster. When the process starts if the cluster or any service or application groups are running on this node they will be moved to a remaining node before this node is removed from the cluster. 8. After removing the node close Failover Cluster Management and log off of the server. Backing Up and Restoring Failover Clusters Windows Server 2008 contains a rebuilt backup program appropriately named Windows Server Backup. Windows Server Backup