Loại 3: Các vấn đề mà dường như đã không có nguyên nhân rõ ràng và do đó không có giải pháp rõ ràng Thể loại 4: Các vấn đề có thể được gây ra bởi các yếu tố khác (ví dụ, hướng dẫn thảo luận, tương tác với người tham gia, vv) Tốt nhất, các nhà nghiên cứu người sử dụng RITE sẽ có kinh nghiệm trong các miền và trong các vấn đề thường có kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực này. | Category 3 Issues that appear to have no obvious cause and therefore no obvious solution Category 4 Issues that may be caused by other factors . discussion guide interaction with participant etc. Ideally the RITE user researcher will have experience in the domain and in the problems typically experienced in this domain. If the researcher doesn t have this experience it may be difficult for him or her to determine if an issue is likely to be a problem for other users. Second the product s decision makers should make time to observe user sessions and contribute to the design changes. Without their involvement it is difficult to evolve the design which is the essence of RITE. Last the team should be able to rapidly interpret the results and make design changes another defining attribute of RITE. I ve used RITE for a variety of software platforms desktop web iPhone and found it much more efficient than traditional usability testing. For example when testing one app we discovered a line of text that prevented participants from moving beyond the welcome screen. After we addressed this issue we were able to press ahead uncovering more critical conceptual issues. However RITE does have its limitations. Category 2 issues can be difficult to address within the study timeline . the solution may not be clear and may require several days to brainstorm sketch and refine the app. To alleviate this problem try to allocate extra time between sessions knowing that sometimes even a few days is not enough. NOTE Having a three-person paper prototype team may be ideal but it s certainly not required. I ve conducted paper prototype studies where I played all three roles it s doable but exhausting. If you can pull together a two-person team I suggest that one person play moderator computer and the other take notes. PAPER PROTOTYPE TESTING Before discussing paper prototype testing 5 I d like to address any potential confusion. Paper prototyping falls into a fuzzy area given that it s