setting up 855 Send button, 704 send() function, 704 sending messages, online newsletters, 704-708 sending mail, 371 Warm Mail application, 649-652 forwarding messages, 651-652 new messages, 649-651 replying to messages, 651-652 send_message() function, 650-651 sensitive data, storing, 336-337 credit card numbers, 338 serialization, 450-451 serialize() function, 450-451 server logs, 271 servers Apache. See Apache Web server authentication, 292-293 database servers, Web database architecture, 181 Equifax Secure Server, connecting with HTTPS, 388 FTP servers downloading files, 384-385 logging in to (mirroring files), 382 IIS (Internet Information Server) basic authentication, 319-321 configuring with Internet Services Manager, 319-321 remote FTP servers, connecting to (mirroring files), 382. | setting up 855 Send button 704 send function 704 sending messages online newsletters 704-708 sending mail 371 Warm Mail application 649-652 forwarding messages 651-652 new messages 649-651 replying to messages 651-652 send_message function 650-651 sensitive data storing 336-337 credit card numbers 338 serialization 450-451 serialize function 450-451 server logs 271 servers Apache. See Apache Web server authentication 292-293 database servers Web database architecture 181 Equifax Secure Server connecting with HTTPS 388 FTP servers downloading files 384-385 logging in to mirroring files 382 IIS Internet Information Server basic authentication 319-321 configuring with Internet Services Manager 319-321 remote FTP servers connecting to mirroring files 382 secure storage 336-337 credit card numbers 338 Secure Web servers 298-299 Web servers Web database architecture 180-181 servers 365. See also Web servers services adding to Web pages 371-374 running Apache from 797-798 services commercial Web sites adding value to 276 providing 275-276 taking orders for 271-275 obstacles to potential customers 273-275 ServicesPage class object-oriented development 166-167 session control 430-433 438-445 authentication 438-445 script 438-443 script 444-445 script 443-444 cookies 431-433 setting 431-432 storing session IDs 432-433 session IDs 430-431 storing in cookies 432-433 session IDs 430-431 storing in cookies 432-433 session variables Shopping Cart application 541 557 sessions 433-437 configuring 437-438 destroying 435 example session 435-437 starting 433 variables 434 deregistering 434-436 registering 433-436 session_get_cookie_ params function 432 session_is_registered function 434 session_register function 433 session_start function 433-436 session_unregister function 434-436 set error handler function 492 SET type 205 setcookie function 431-432 setting passwords user authentication 519-521 setting up base canvases 414-415 Book-O-Rama 208