Applied Oracle Security: Developing Secure Database and Middleware Environments- P25:Computer security is a field of study that continues to undergo significant changes at an extremely fast pace. As a result of research combined with increases in computing capacity, computer security has reached what many consider to be “early adulthood.” From advances in encryption and encryption devices to identity management and enterprise auditing, the computer security field is as vast and complex as it is sophisticated and powerful | 214 Part II Oracle Database Vault SELECT INSERT EXECUTE specific object owner s objects or object . on a FUNCTION assert_obje ect_command check_event IN VARCHAR2 check_obj_owner IN VARCHAR2 check_obj_name IN VARCHAR2 sql_event IN VARCHAR2 sql_obj_owner IN VARCHAR2 sql_obj_name IN VARCHAR2 RETURN NUMBER weekly timeframe is true IN VARCHAR2 IN VARCHAR2 IN VARCHAR2 IN VARCHAR2 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT HH24 IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE -- used to assert a specific FUNCTION weekly_window begin_day begin_time end_day end_time time_format check_datetime RETURN NUMBER -- used to check if a grant or revoke operation is -- being attempted to the current database session user FUNCTION grant_or_revoke_to_self RETURN NUMBER -- used to store the details of a SQL command being -- executed in an application context so the details -- can be used in DBV Rule Set custom handlers PROCEDURE set_event_ context command IN VARCHAR2 session_user IN VARCHAR2 instance_num IN NUMBER database_name IN VARCHAR2 obj_type IN VARCHAR2 obj_owner IN VARCHAR2 obj_name IN VARCHAR2 sql_text IN VARCHAR2 END dbms_mac_extension Package created. dbvext@aos -- create the package body dbvext@aos @@@dbv_ext_body Package body created. dbvext@aos -- grant DVSYS EXECUTE privileges so the code dbvext@aos -- can be used in DBV Factors and DBV Rules dbvext@aos GRANT EXECUTE ON TO dvsys Grant succeeded. dbvext@aos -- associate the SQL_EVENT application context dbvext@aos -- to this package for the Chapter 7 example dbvext@aos CREATE OR REPLACE CONTEXT sql_event Chapter 6 Applied Database Vault for Custom Applications 215 USING Context created. dbvext@aos CONNECT AS SYSDBA Connected. sys@aos -- revoke the ability to connect to sys@aos -- the database from DBVEXT sys@aos REVOKE CREATE SESSION FROM dbvext Revoke succeeded. dbvowner@aos CONNECT dbvacctmgr Enter password Connected. dbvacctmgr@aos -- lock the account when the database objects dbvacctmgr@aos -- owned by DBVEXT .