The Real MTCS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70/432 Prep Kit- P6: Congratulations on your journey to become certified in SQL Server 2008. This book will help prepare you for your exam and give you a practical view of working with SQL Server 2008. | New Features in SQL Server 2008 Chapter 1 7 Figure The Copy Only Backup Option The T-SQL procedure to do a Copy Only Backup would look like BACKUP DATABASE robby TO DISK N C Backup WITH COPY_ONLY NOFORMAT NOINIT NAME N robby-Full Database Backup SKIP NOREWIND NOUNLOAD STATS 10 GO Test Day Tip Be sure you are very familiar with doing backups and restores both from a T-SQL standpoint and a GUI standpoint. Since this is the bread and w butter of a DBA s job you can be sure there will be plenty of questions about backups restores and recovery. 8 Chapter 1 New Features in SQL Server 2008 Enhanced Configuration and Management of Audits Auditing is available using the new Change Data Capture CDC feature. CDC can be used to capture insertions updates and deletes in an SQL table in a database and place the changes in another table. The following SQL code demonstrates how to configure CDC for auditing of a table in a database --Activate CDC EXEC --Enable CDC on table EXEC @source_schema dbo @source_name myTable @role_name cdc To read the data from the CDC table there are a series of system stored procedures and functions available or you can query the tables directly. System stored procedures New Features in SQL Server 2008 Chapter 1 9 System functions capture_instance capture_instance .