The Real MTCS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70/432 Prep Kit- P24: Congratulations on your journey to become certified in SQL Server 2008. This book will help prepare you for your exam and give you a practical view of working with SQL Server 2008. | Configuring SQL Server 2008 Chapter 3 97 Named Pipes TCP IP and Named Pipes are comparable protocols in the architectures that they can be used in. Named Pipes was developed for Local Area Networks LANs but can be inefficient across slower networks such as Wide Area Networks WANs . To use Named Pipes you first need to enable it in SQL Server Configuration Manager if you ll be connecting remotely and then create a SQL Server Alias which connects to the server using Named Pipes as the protocol. Named Pipes uses TCP port 445 so make sure the port is open on any firewalls between the two computers including Windows Firewall. VIA Virtual Interface Adapter VIA is a protocol that enables high-performance communications between two systems. It requires specialized hardware at both ends and a dedicated connection. Like Named Pipes to use the VIA protocol you first need to enable it in SQL Server Configuration Manager and then create a SQL Server Alias which connects to the server using VIA as the protocol. TCP IP The most common access protocol for SQL Server allows you to connect to SQL Server by specifying an IP address and port number. Typically this happens automatically when you specify an instance to connect to. Your internal name resolution system resolves the hostname part of the instance name to an IP address and you will connect to the default TCP port number 1433 for default instances or the SQL Browser Service will find the right port for a named instance using UDP port 1434. You can also connect directly to the instance by specifying the IP Address Instance Port in the connection string. For example 50000 will connect you to server and the instance listening on port 50000. Changing the TCP Port To change the TCP port on which an instance listens open SQL Server Configuration Manager and expand SQL Server Network Configuration. Now select Protocols for instance name for the instance you want to change and right-click on TCP IP to get the .