The Real MTCS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70/432 Prep Kit- P27: Congratulations on your journey to become certified in SQL Server 2008. This book will help prepare you for your exam and give you a practical view of working with SQL Server 2008. | 112 Chapter 3 Configuring SQL Server 2008 Summary of Exam Objectives In this chapter you ve looked in-depth at the difference between default and named instances seen how to change the default TCP port and the SQL Server service accounts learned how to add startup parameters to SQL Server and learned when to use Server Aliases all with SQL Server Configuration Manager. You ve also seen how to view and change serverwide options with sp_configure and SQL Server Management Studio looked at the benefits of Database Mail over SQLMail and how to configure it and learned how to create and manage full-text indexes in SQL Server. Exam Objectives Fast Track Instances vs. Default Instance 0 A default instance is accessed by using the servername and a named instance is accessed using servername instancename. 0 You can have only one default instance per server and by default it will use TCP port 1433. 0 Each instance is completely independent of any other instance and has its own set of services databases and configuration settings. SQL Server Configuration Manager 0 You need to use Configuration Manager to change the SQL Server Service account to ensure that the correct permissions are assigned. 0 To configure FILESTREAM after installation you need to enable it in Configuration Manager and by using sp_configure fîlestream_access_level. 0 You can change the TCP port an instance listens on by using Configuration Manager. sp_configure and SQL Server Management Studio 0 You need to enable show advanced options using sp_configure to view all of the sp_configure options. Configuring SQL Server 2008 Chapter 3 113 0 Only a subset of configuration options can be changed using Management Studio most can only be changed with sp_configure. 0 AWE is used to enable SQL Server to access more than 2GB of RAM on 32-bit systems. Database Mail 0 Database Mail replaces SQLMail found in versions prior to SQL Server 2005. 0 It uses SMTP rather than MAPI so you don t need to install a mail client. 0