The idea of writing this book arose as a result of difficulties that seconary school English teachers face in their daily work. The problem they have to wrestle with involes various questions that students ask concerning a number of what they call "inconsis- tencies", these being nothing but differences between British and American usage or ocassionally differences within one of varieties. | KAROL JANICKI ELEMENTS of BRITISH and AMERICAN ENGLISH PAÜSTWOWE WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE Karol Janicki ELEMENTS OF BRITISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe Warszawa 1977 Mkf yrajekiawal Marian JankowaU BoểakUr Zdñriaw Garbowaki Boflaktee leekaieany Halina Olaaewaka Copyright by Paústwowe Wydawnlotwo Naakowe Wanzawa .