The regional draining lymph nodes for the testis are in the retroperitoneum, and the vascular supply originates from the great vessels (for the right testis) or the renal vessels (for the left testis). As a result, the lymph nodes that are involved first by a right testicular tumor are the interaortocaval lymph nodes just below the renal vessels. For a left testicular tumor, the first involved lymph nodes are lateral to the aorta (para-aortic) and below the left renal vessels. In both cases, further nodal spread is inferior, contralateral, and, less commonly, above the renal hilum. Lymphatic involvement can. | Chapter 092. Testicular Cancer Part 2 The regional draining lymph nodes for the testis are in the retroperitoneum and the vascular supply originates from the great vessels for the right testis or the renal vessels for the left testis . As a result the lymph nodes that are involved first by a right testicular tumor are the interaortocaval lymph nodes just below the renal vessels. For a left testicular tumor the first involved lymph nodes are lateral to the aorta para-aortic and below the left renal vessels. In both cases further nodal spread is inferior contralateral and less commonly above the renal hilum. Lymphatic involvement can extend cephalad to the retrocrural posterior mediastinal and supraclavicular lymph nodes. Treatment is determined by tumor histology seminoma versus nonseminoma and clinical stage Table 92-1 . Table 92-1 Germ Cell Tumor Staging and Treatment Treatment Stage Extent of Disease Seminoma Nonseminoma IA Testis only no vascular lymphatic invasion T1 Radiation therapy RPLND or observation IB Testis only with vascular lymphatic invasion T2 or extension through tunica albuginea T2 or involvement of spermatic cord T3 or scrotum T4 Radiation therapy RPLND IIA Nodes 2 cm Radiation RPLND or chemotherapy often therapy followed by RPLND IIB Nodes 2-5 cm Radiation therapy RPLND - adjuvant chemotherapy or chemotherapy followed by RPLND IIC Nodes 5 cm Chemotherapy Chemotherapy often followed by RPLND III Distant metastases Chemotherapy Chemotherapy often followed by surgery biopsy or resection Note RPLND retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. Pathology GCTs are divided into nonseminoma and seminoma subtypes. Nonseminomatous GCTs are most frequent in the third decade of life and .