PHP Developer's Dictionary- P16:PHP is an open source, server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language used to create dynamically generated Web pages. With an easy-to-use syntax and a large, extensible library of modules, PHP brings together the best of Perl, C++, and other languages. | PHP Developer s Dictionary require string filename Description The require language construct which is similar to the Server Side Include SSI inciude directive enables you to include other files specified by filename . These secondary files can be valid PHP code or any text such as HTML. If you do have additional PHP code that needs to be executed be sure that you use the proper beginning and ending PHP tags or the parser will not execute the code. The difference between this and inciude is that inciude calls are executed each time they are encountered whereas require pulls in the contents of the included file always and only once. This means it will pull in the file even if it is not executed such as in the body of an if statement that did not pass its condition . This is unlike inciude which pulls in the file only when executed. Note PHP3 enabled programmers to execute return statements in the included file but PHP4 has deprecated that feature so avoid using it. Syntax switch variable case valuel break case value2 break case valueN break default code code code code Description The statement has an effect similar to that of multiple if statements. For variable the statement will look at each case valuel value2 . valueN to determine where variable is equal. When a match is found code under that case IT-SC book 75 PHP Developer s Dictionary is executed. If you want to break out of the statement completely after you have found a match you need to include the optional break command otherwise every portion of code will be executed not just the code under the case it matched. If you want to include a default value in case of no matches include the default section. The code under this section will be executed if none of the previous case statements match. switch. .endswitch Syntax switch variable case valuel break case value2 break case valueN break default code endswitch code code code Description The switch. . .endswitch statement is an .