PHP Developer's Dictionary- P24:PHP is an open source, server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language used to create dynamically generated Web pages. With an easy-to-use syntax and a large, extensible library of modules, PHP brings together the best of Perl, C++, and other languages. | PHP Developer s Dictionary array1 array 1 2 two 3 array2 array one 1 two 2 array3 array_merge array1 array2 array3 1 2 two 2 one 1 array_merge_recursive Syntax array array_merge_recursive array array1 array array2 . Description The array_merge_recursive function which was added in PHP appends multiple arrays together to form one single array. If one of the array parameters contains further arrays it is also merged. array1 array type array values long 1 array2 array 2 type array values int blob array3 array_merge_recursive array1 array2 array3 type array values array int blob long 1 2 array_multisort Syntax array array_multisort array ar1 mixed arg mixed . array . Description The array_muitisort function which was added in PHP is used to sort multiple arrays as well as multidimensional arrays. The first parameter must be an array but subsequent parameters can be either an array or a sorting flag. Sort order flags are either sort_asc or sort_desc indicating a sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Possible sort order flag types include sort_regular sort_string and sort_numeric. The defaults are sort_asc and sort_regular and the flags apply to only the previously specified array not every array in the parameter list. array_pad IT-SC book 115 PHP Developer s Dictionary Syntax array array_pad array input int pad size mixed pad value Description The array_pad function which was added in PHP expands the input array with pad_vaiue to reach the pad_size . If the pad_size is positive padding occurs on the right and padding occurs on the left if the pad_size is negative. If the input array size is greater than the pad_size no padding takes place. array_pop Syntax mixed array_pop array array Description The array_pop function which was added in PHP removes and returns the last element from array . This allows an array to act as a stack data structure with the stack top at the end of the array. array1 array 1 2 3 top array_pop array1 top 3 .