PHP Developer's Dictionary- P88:PHP is an open source, server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language used to create dynamically generated Web pages. With an easy-to-use syntax and a large, extensible library of modules, PHP brings together the best of Perl, C++, and other languages. | PHP Developer s Dictionary referenced by the query_identifier . The next call to msql_fetch_field will use this field if no offset is specified. msql_fieldtable Syntax int msql_fieldtable int query identifier int field Description The msql_fieldtable function which is available from PHP to PHP along with PHP and higher returns the name of the table from which the field parameter came. msql_fieldtype Syntax string msql_fieldtype int query identifier int i Description The msql_fieldtype function which is available from PHP to PHP along with PHP and higher returns the field type for the field at position i in the result set referenced by the query_identifier . The return values include int string and real . msql_fieldflags Syntax string msql_fieldflags int query_identifier int i Description The msql_fieldflags function which is available from PHP to PHP along with PHP and higher returns the field flags for the field located at i in the result set referenced by the query_identifier . The return value will be not null primary key a combination of the two or an empty string . IT-SC book 435 PHP Developer s Dictionary msql_fieldlen Syntax int msql_fieldlen int query identifier int i Description The msqi_fieidien function which is available from PHP to PHP along with PHP and higher returns the length of the field located at i in the result referenced by the query_identifier parameter. msql_free_result Syntax int msql_free_result int query identifier Description The msql_free_result function which is available from PHP to PHP along with PHP and higher releases the memory associated with the result set referenced by the query_identifier parameter. This is not normally necessary because all resources are freed automatically when a script completes its processing. msql_freeresult Syntax int msql_freeresult int query identifier Description The msql_freeresult function which is available from PHP to .