Critical thinking is the art of raising what is subconscious in our reasoning to the level of con- scious recognition. It is the art of taking control of our thinking processes so as to understand the pathway and inputs that our thinking employs. Critical thinkers understand the mechanics of reasoning (thinking). They use this understand- ing to manage the unconscious influences that contribute to their decision-making processes. By taking charge of the thinking process, critical thinkers develop an understanding of what they do not know about a particular subject, and make better decisions as a result | Global Knowledge Expert Reference Series of White Papers B MiSjiB B KMOBWOO B 1. B The Role of Critical Thinking in Effective Decision Making 1-800-COURSES The Role of Critical Thinking in Effective Decision Making Brian Denis Egan Global Knowledge Instructor MBA PMP What Is Critical Thinking Critical thinking is the art of raising what is subconscious in our reasoning to the level of conscious recognition. It is the art of taking control of our thinking processes so as to understand the pathway and inputs that our thinking employs. Critical thinkers understand the mechanics of reasoning thinking . They use this understanding to manage the unconscious influences that contribute to their decision-making processes. By taking charge of the thinking process critical thinkers develop an understanding of what they do not know about a particular subject and make better decisions as a result. Who Needs Critical Thinking The study of critical thinking is the study of reasoning. Implicit in this study is the recognition that if we are to become better thinkers our thinking skills must be practiced and developed just like any other skill set. Advocates of critical thinking believe that critical thinking is a philosophical perspective that can help anyone to become more successful. The logic behind this belief is that everyone can benefit from becoming a better thinker and as a result have greater control over their thinking processes. In the business world a critical thinking approach to problem solving improves the quality of analysis resulting in a more balanced reasoned decision-making process. Premise To become a critical thinker is to become an effective critic of your own thinking. This involves an analysis of the inputs information assumptions and biases that form part of your reasoning as well as the outputs decisions assumptions and biases that result from your reasoning. As part of your development as a critical thinker you learn to gauge and