You are now prepared to pass your exam. This ITCertifyhome will provide you with all the knowledge about the real certification exams. We hope you will take full advantage of this tool. | IT The Only Way to get Certified Quickly. Exam 640-604SG Title Switching BCMSN Study Guide Version Number May 2003 You are now prepared to pass your exam. This ITCer-tifyhome will provide you with all the knowledge about the real certification exams. We hope you will take full advantage of this tool. The Use of this ITcertifyhome is strictly for the purchaser. Illegal dissemination is harmful to everyone. So be fair to yourself and us. For Support please go to and click on Support link. For future updates to this ITcertifyhome please check our website at http If the version number has changed for this file you can download the updated file. Get ITcertifyhome your Certified. And Get your career moving Study Faster. Study Smarter. Save Money. 640-604 Switching TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables Introduction 1. The Campus Network The Traditional Campus Network Collisions Bandwidth Broadcasts and Multicasts The New Campus Network The 80 20 Rule and the New 20 80 Rule Switching Technologies Open Systems Interconnection Model Data Encapsulation Layer 2 Switching Layer 3 Switching Layer 4 Switching Multi-Layer Switching MLS The Cisco Hierarchical Model Core Layer Distribution Layer Access Layer Modular Network Design The Switch Block The Core Block Collapsed Core Dual Core Core Size Core Scalability Layer 3 Core 2. Basic Switch and Port Configuration Network Technologies Ethernet Ethernet Switches Ethernet Media Fast Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet 10Gigabit Ethernet - 2