This book is intended to be a complete and useful reference to the Unified Model- ing Language (UML) for the developer, architect, project manager, system engi- neer, programmer, analyst, contracting officer, customer, and anyone else who needs to specify, design, build, or understand complex software systems. It pro- vides a full reference to the concepts and constructs of UML, including their se- mantics, syntax, notation, and purpose. It is organized to be a convenient but thorough reference for the working professional developer. It also attempts to pro- vide additional detail about issues that may not be clear from the standards docu- ments and to provide a rationale for. | The Unified Modeling Language U g Reference Manual The Unified Modeling Language U g Reference Manual James Rumbaugh Ivar Jacobson Grady Booch ADDISON-WESLEY An imprint of Addison Wesley Longman Inc. Reading Massachusetts Harlow England Menlo Park California Berkeley California Don Mills Ontario Sydney Bonn Amsterdam Tokyo Mexico .