Design Practice in Russia Introduction Historical Evolution Masonry and Timber Bridges • Iron and Steel Bridges 66 Modern Development Standardization of Superstructures • Features of Substructure Bridge Design Theory and Methods Design Codes and Specifications • Design Concepts and Philosophy • Concrete Structure Design • Steel Structure Design • Stability Design • Temporary Structure Design Inspection and Test Techniques Static Load Tests • Dynamic Load Tests • Running in of Bridge under Load Simon A. Blank California Department of Transporation Steel and Composite Bridges Superstructures for Railway Bridges • Superstructures for Highway Bridges • Construction Techniques • Typical Girder Bridges. | Blank . Popov . Seliverstov . Design Practice in Russia. Bridge Engineering Handbook. Ed. Wai-Fah Chen and Lian Duan Boca Raton CRC Press 2000 66 Design Practice in Russia Introduction Historical Evolution Masonry and Timber Bridges Iron and Steel Bridges Modern Development Standardization of Superstructures Features of Substructure Bridge Design Theory and Methods Design Codes and Specifications Design Concepts and Philosophy Concrete Structure Design Steel Structure Design Stability Design Temporary Structure Design Inspection and Test Techniques Static Load Tests Dynamic Load Tests Running in of Bridge under Load Steel and Composite Bridges Simon A. Blank California Department of Transporation Oleg A. Popov Joint Stock Company Giprotransmost Tramos Russia Vadim A. Seliverstov Joint Stock Company Giprotransmost Tramos Russia Superstructures for Railway Bridges Superstructures for Highway Bridges Construction Techniques Typical Girder Bridges Concrete Bridges Superstructures for Railway Bridges Superstructures for Highway Bridges Construction Techniques Typical Bridges Cable-Stayed Bridges Prospects Introduction Bridge design and construction practice in former USSR especially Russia is not much known by foreign engineers. Many advanced structural theories and construction practices have been established. In view of the global economy the opportunities to apply such advanced theories to practice became available with the collapse of the iron curtain. In 1931 Franklin D. Roosevelt said There can be little doubt that in many ways the story of bridge building is the story of civilization. By it we can readily measure a progress in each particular country. The development of bridge engineering is based on previous experiences and historical aspects. Certainly the Russian experience in bridge engineering has it own specifics. 2000 by CRC Press LLC FIGURE Typical masonry bridge 1786 . Historical .