"Cc" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English . The Concise New Partridge presents, for the first time, all the slang terms from the New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English in a single volume. With over 60,000 entries from around the English-speaking world, the Concise gives you the language of beats, hipsters, Teddy Boys, mods and rockers, hippies, pimps, druggies, whores, punks, skinheads, ravers, surfers, Valley girls, dudes, pill-popping truck drivers, hackers, rappers and more. The Concise New Partridge is a spectacular resource infused with humour and learning – it’s rude, it’s delightful, and it’s a prize for. | Cc C noun 1 the Viet Cong a member of the Viet Cong us 1966. 2 cocaine us 1921. 3 amphetamines. Heard as the C uk 2003. 4 methcathinone. Heard as the C us 2003. 5 a woman viewed as a sexualobject. An abbreviation of cunt us 1976. 6 a CBE Commander of the Order of the British Empire . Ci vil servant usage suggestive of a casual familiarity with the honour uk 1961. 7 contraception us 1997. 8 one hundred dollars us 1339. 9 in poker the third player to the left of the dealer us 1933. 10 the commission charged by a bookmaker us 1960 C-47 noun a clothes peg. Used by television and film crews mocking the formality of the official jargon of their craft us 2003 cab noun take a cab to die us 2000 caballo noun 1 heroin. Spanish for horse us 1970. 2 a person who smuggles drugs into a prison. Spanish for horse which is almost a mule us 1992 cabaret verb 1 to lie in bed masturbating us 1950. 2 to use an addictive drug in a semi-controlled pattern us 1953 cabbage noun 1 money us 1903. 2 the vagina. Perhaps from the image of leaves peeling back us 1967. 3 low grade marijuana. From the quality of the leaves new Zealand 2002. 4 a coronary artery bypass graft. A loose pronunciation of the acronym CABG us 1994 cabbage verb 1 to become vegetable-like uk 2001. 2 to smoke marijuana especially low grade marijuana s 1993 cabbage adjective poor-quality s 1990 cabbage cutter noun on the railways a freight engine us 1977 cabbaged adjective 1 mentally and physically exhausted. Punning on a vegetative state uk 1992. 2 under the influence of MDMA the recreationaldrug best known as ecstasy uk 1991. 3 drunk uk 2002 cabbage-eater noun a German or Russian immigrant. Offensive us 1942 cabbage hat noun a RoyalMarine. After the uniform green beret uk 1979 cabbage out verb to relax new Zealand 2003 cabbage patch noun a remote insignificant place us 1362 cabbage patch nickname 1 the state of Victoria Australia. Also referred to as cabbage garden and the cabbage state . Hence a native may be a cabbage .