INFORMATIONAL WRITING is the process of selecting, combining, arranging, and developing ideas taken from oral, written, or electronically produced texts to demonstrate that you understand and are able to use this information for a variety of rhetorical purposes. | SECTION ONE WRITING FOR INFORMATION AND UNDERSTANDING INFORMATIONAL WRITING is the process of selecting combining arranging and developing ideas taken from oral written or electronically produced texts to demonstrate that you understand and are able to use this information for a variety of rhetorical purposes. it is important that you understand what is expected before you sit down to write an essay term paper or response to an on-demand test prompt. The definition above tells you exactly what is expected for content-area writing that will measure how well you understand information and can reformulate it into your own words for your own purposes. Before we go any further let s define some terms. Oral texts include speeches video presentations Written texts include textbooks magazines and newspapers encyclopedias science journals non-fiction books Electronically produced texts include electronic databases online materials Rhetorical texts include essays summaries research reports term papers feature articles laboratory observation reports instruction manuals response to on-demand test questions As you can see there are many sources from which you can draw upon to demonstrate that you have information and understanding. There are three chapters in this section. The first two will be geared to reading and writing for information and understanding in school. The third chapter will explore the ways you use this kind of writing in everyday life. Chapters 1 and 2 will take you through the five important steps in responding to an assignment that asks you to demonstrate information and understanding. They are 1. Reading the assignment to determine your rhetorical purpose. 2. Pre-writing to help you organize your ideas. 3. Writing a thesis statement. 4. Presenting a sample response. 5. Evaluating a response from a rubric. Chapter 3 will explore some of the types of everyday writing you will be asked to do and it includes techniques on how to accomplish your task easily. 2 .