Tham khảo sách 'javascript bible_ chapter 38', công nghệ thông tin, kỹ thuật lập trình phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | LiveConnect Scripting Java Applets and Plug-ins Netscape groups all the features that enable JavaScript scripts Java applets and plug-ins to communicate with each other under one technology umbrella called LiveConnect. Having three avenues of access to LiveConnect makes it easy to become confused about how LiveConnect works and how to incorporate these powers into your Web site presentations. In this chapter I focus on the scripting side of LiveConnect approaching applets and plug-ins from scripts and accessing scripts from Java applets. Except for the part about talking to scripts from inside a Java applet I don t assume you have any knowledge of Java programming. The primary goal here is to help you understand how to control applets and plug-ins from your scripts. If you re in a position to develop specifications for applets you also learn what to ask of your Java programmers. But if you are also a Java applet programmer you learn the necessary skills to get your applets in touch with HTML pages and scripts. LiveConnect Overview The backbone of the LiveConnect facilities in Navigator is the Java virtual machine VM you see loading in the splash screen during a Navigator 3 launch in Navigator 4 the VM doesn t load until it is needed sometimes causing a brief delay in initial execution . This virtual machine which is entirely software-based makes your computer look like every other computer that has a Java virtual machine running on it hence the capability of Java applets and applications to run on Wintel Macintosh and UNIX computers without requiring modification from platform to platform. The Java virtual machine is not embedded in absolutely every In This Chapter Communicating with Java applets from scripts Accessing scripts and objects from Java applets Controlling scriptable plug-ins 774 Part IV Putting JavaScript to Work platform however. Windows users are the last to get Java capabilities for their browsers also some LiveConnect communication with .