In this module, students will learn about the basics of conceptual design, where it fits in the MicrosoftÆ Solutions Framework (MSF) Process Model, its purpose and value in solution design, its steps and tasks, and its outputs and deliverables. Students learn how the process of developing a conceptual design will enable them to deliver solutions that match their customerís requirements. After completing this module, students will be able to: ! Explain the need for conceptual design in the process of designing a business solution. ! Describe the role of conceptual design in the MSF Design Process Model. !. | Instructor Notes Module 4 Business Solution Conceptual Design Introduction Presentation 125 Minutes In this module students will learn about the basics of conceptual design where it fits in the Microsoft Solutions Framework MSF Process Model its purpose and value in solution design its steps and tasks and its outputs and Activity 100 Minutes deliverables. Students learn how the process of developing a conceptual design will enable them to deliver solutions that match their customer s requirements. After completing this module students will be able to Explain the need for conceptual design in the process of designing a business solution. Describe the role of conceptual design in the MSF Design Process Model. Describe the steps of conceptual design. Develop a future-state description of a business solution created through the conceptual design process. Develop a conceptual design for a business solution from the gathered and analyzed information. Materials and Preparation This section provides you with the materials and preparation needed to teach this module. Materials To teach this module you need the following materials Microsoft PowerPoint file Module 4 Business Solution Conceptual Design Activity Risks of Skipping Conceptual Design Activity Inputs to Conceptual Design Activity Value of Information Models Activity Creating a Future-State Usage Scenario 2 Instructor Notes Module 4 Business Solution Conceptual Design Preparation To prepare for this module you should Read all the materials for this module. Complete the activities. Instructor Notes Module 4 Business Solution Conceptual Design 3 Activities Activity Risks of Skipping Conceptual Design In this activity students participate in a class discussion to identify the possible risks of not doing conceptual design. After completing this activity students will be able to Articulate the value of conceptual design and the risks of not completing a conceptual design. To prepare for