This module provides students with a brief foundational understanding of the MicrosoftÆ Component Object Model (COM) and associated technologies. This nderstanding is necessary to make good decisions about candidate echnologies. Microsoftís Component Object Model, Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), and COM+ each provide services and structure that aid n implementing large applications. These models provide many benefits that an be used by the application designer and developer. This module describes hese technologies and presents guidelines for implementing them. After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe the Microsoft COM standard. Describe COM classes, components,. | Instructor Notes Module 8 Solution Design and the Component Object Model Introduction Presentation 55 Minutes This module provides students with a brief foundational understanding of the Microsoft Component Object Model COM and associated technologies. This understanding is necessary to make good decisions about candidate Activity 35 Minutes technologies. Microsoft s Component Object Model Distributed Component Object Model DCOM and COM each provide services and structure that aid in implementing large applications. These models provide many benefits that can be used by the application designer and developer. This module describes these technologies and presents guidelines for implementing them. After completing this module students will be able to Describe the Microsoft COM standard. Describe COM classes components objects and interfaces. Explain the relationship between COM and application development. Describe DCOM and its relationship to COM. List the benefits of using COM in a solution design. Materials and Preparation This section provides you with the materials and preparation needed to teach this module. Materials To teach this module you need the following materials Microsoft PowerPoint file Module 8 Solution Design and the Component Object Model Activity Simulating Component Communication Instructor handout for Activity Simulating Component Communication Activity Identify the Impact of Distributing COM Components 2 Instructor Notes Module 8 Solution Design and the Component Object Model Preparation To prepare for this module you should Read all the materials for this module. Complete the activities. Familiarize yourself with Microsoft s Component Object Model COM Familiarize yourself Microsoft s Distributed Component Object Model DCOM Familiarize yourself with Microsoft s COM the evolution of COM. Instructor Notes Module 8 Solution Design and the Component Object Model 3 Activities Activity Simulating Component Communication