This module describes how to write an XSL style sheet and apply it to a static XML document. The focus of the module is to describe the syntax for XSL template rules, and to introduce the various filter and path specifications that allow you to match particular elements and attributes in an XML document. Many students find style sheets confusing, partly because there is so much syntax to learn, but also because the concept of rule-based programming can be quite alien. The key points to emphasize during the module are that an XSL document is itself an XML document (with. | msdn training Module 4 Displaying an XML Document Using XSL Contents Overview Transforming XML with XSL Using Templates Filtering and Sorting XML XSL Language Constructs Creating New Nodes Dynamically Lab 4 Displaying an XML Document Using XSL Review 1 2 9 22 33 39 44 52 Microsoft Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The names of companies products people characters and or data mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real individual company product or event unless otherwise noted. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical for any purpose without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. If however your only means of access is electronic permission to print one copy is hereby granted. Microsoft may have patents patent applications trademarks copyrights or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents trademarks copyrights or other intellectual property. 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft PowerPoint Visual InterDev and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the . and or other countries. The names of companies products people characters and or data mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real individual company product or event unless otherwise noted. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Program Manager Steve Merrill Instructional Designers Sangeeta Nair NIIT Vijayalakshmi Narayanaswamy NIIT Subject Matter Experts Andy Olsen QA Training Andy Longshaw Content Masters Content Lead Janet .