To facilitate the administration of campus computers connected to the TAMUK network, all campus computers must have a Windows NT computer name that identifies its location. This helps quickly identify the location of a computer whenever it needs to be serviced or if it is detected as having a problem such as a virus infection. Computer names can be a maximum of 15 characters in length. The computer naming convention [CNC] requires that the computer name include the building abbreviation and room number, which together make up its location. (Ex: CL240) . | TAMUK Computer Naming Convention KB0100105050601 To facilitate the administration of campus computers connected to the TAMUK network all campus computers must have a Windows NT computer name that identifies its location. This helps quickly identify the location of a computer whenever it needs to be serviced or if it is detected as having a problem such as a virus infection. Computer names can be a maximum of 15 characters in length. The computer naming convention CNC requires that the computer name include the building abbreviation and room number which together make up its location. Ex CL240 If there are multiple computers in a location on campus then the CNC can be appended with a unique identifier for each computer to uniquely identify each one within the location. The CNC and unique identifier must be separated by a dash - . Examples CL240-01 CL240-02 CL240-03 CL133-Front01 CL133-Back04 CL101-Counter02 CL101-Counter03 The length of the entire computer name should not be longer than 15 characters. There should be no deviations from the CNC for any standard desktop computers. The CNC does not apply to servers as they are required to be fully documented and registered with CIS. A computer connected to the TAMUK network which is not in compliance with TAMUK computer naming convention should have its name reconfigured as stated above. When a computer is moved to a new location its name should be reconfigured to properly identify the computer at its new location. Builc ing Abbreviation Codes AG Kleberg Agriculture Building EN Kleberg Engineering Building MY May Hall AL Howe Agriculture Lab Building F Sam Fore Hall N Nierman Science Hall AO Athletic Offices FARM University Farm NS Center for Young Children Nursery AR Bailey Art Building H Hill Hall PB Central Plant AX Art Annex HR Health and Recreation Building PH Poteet Hall B Biology Earth Science Hall HS Human Sciences Building PO Post Office BA Business Administration Building IRSP Pharmacy Building PPB Physical .