Inputs: interesting topic, ideas and questions to respond to, teacher’s and students’ enthusiasm, personal experiences, listenings, readings, short video clips, memories etc. Skills: ability to pronounce clearly, ability to organise and develop ideas in real time, being able to produce chunks (phrases), being able to ask for clarification, being able to check understanding . | VIETNAMESE'S ENGLISH TEACHER AND TRAINER NETWORK VTTN vttn Workshop Ministry of Education and Training THAI NGUYEN AUGUST 2008 DAY ONE DAY TWO DAY THREE DAY FOUR – ceremony Warmer Introductions Course outline -What is speaking? 5. Controlled to free(r) speaking activities 9. Speaking activities to use in the Language Focus lesson. 13. Peer Teaching BC trainer /all trainers – – 2. Problems in teaching speaking and suggested solutions. 6. Motivation 10. Pronunciation BC trainer 14. Peer Teaching BC trainer/all trainers – – 3. Classroom Experiences DVD - observation task and reflection 7. Demonstrations of speaking activities 11. Focus on Tieng Anh -analyse speaking lessons -adapting and exploiting lessons to take into account student ability/interest/need 15. Review Workshop evaluation Certificates Closing ceremony for final VTTN workshop – 4. What makes a good speaking lesson? Group guideline building. 8. Evaluating, correcting and giving feedback to students on their speaking skills 12. Lesson Planning What is speaking? What inputs/skills/knowledge do students need in order to speak in English? inputs skills knowledge Suitable topic Knowledge: knowledge of grammar systems, knowledge of appropriate language to use, knowledge of suitable exchange patterns to use, knowledge of phonology, knowledge of topic, awareness of what your speaking partner knows and is interested in Inputs: interesting topic, ideas and questions to respond to, teacher’s and students’ enthusiasm, personal experiences, listenings, readings, short video clips, memories etc Suggestion: Skills: ability to pronounce clearly, ability to organise and develop ideas in real time, being able to produce chunks (phrases), being able to ask for clarification, being able to check understanding . What is our aim in speaking? A. To say sentences without making mistakes? B. To communicate with others in English? What is . | VIETNAMESE'S ENGLISH TEACHER AND TRAINER NETWORK VTTN vttn Workshop Ministry of Education and Training THAI NGUYEN AUGUST 2008 DAY ONE DAY TWO DAY THREE DAY FOUR – ceremony Warmer Introductions Course outline -What is speaking? 5. Controlled to free(r) speaking activities 9. Speaking activities to use in the Language Focus lesson. 13. Peer Teaching BC trainer /all trainers – – 2. Problems in teaching speaking and suggested solutions. 6. Motivation 10. Pronunciation BC trainer 14. Peer Teaching BC trainer/all trainers – – 3. Classroom Experiences DVD - observation task and reflection 7. Demonstrations of speaking activities 11. Focus on Tieng Anh -analyse speaking lessons -adapting and exploiting lessons to take into account student ability/interest/need 15. Review Workshop evaluation Certificates Closing ceremony for final VTTN workshop – 4. What makes a good speaking lesson? Group guideline .