First of all, in order to cope with any problem we’ve faced, we should get to know its symptoms and only after these we could define exactly what this or that problem is, what the nature and the essence of problem is. In our caes we’re given the symptoms, they are the following: | The first way of solving this probleme is to organize the following acion: first, we’ll print the colored tickets with red, yellow and green stripes. Then we’ll install the special voting boxes in each autobus and then we’ll inform the passengers about conditions of our action: you can assess you trip. In order to do it you should just tear up the colored from your ticket and throw it to the voting box. Each of the three colors means the following: red - “The trip was something terrible”, yellow – “The trip was so-so”, and finally green – “The trip was really great”. We shall inform about the action the drivers as well. At the end of each month we’ll calculate how many stripes of tjose or that colour each driver has got, those who has got a lot of green stripes and only few red will be rewarded (fringe benefits, some touristic trips). So we think that the busmen will be motivated to try hard in order to get the passengers feel really comfortanle during the trip. So the documents we offer you are the special colred tickets.