The foundation of multimedia distribution is provided by several components, the most important ones being services, content distribution chain and protocols. The fundamental idea is to use the Internet for content acquisition, management and delivery to provide, ., Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) infrastructure with Quality of Service (QoS) facilities. Another important goal is to offer the end user the so-called Triple Play, which means grouping together Internet access, TV and telephone services in one subion on a broadband connection. Other important issues are billing, copyright, encryption and authentication. | Internet Content Distribution: Developments and Challenges Adrian Popescu†, David Erman†, Dragos Ilie†, Doru Constantinescu† and Alexandru Popescu‡ † Dept. of Telecommunication Systems ‡ Dept. of Computing School of Engineering School of Informatics Blekinge Institute of Technology University of Bradford 371 79 Karlskrona, Sweden Bradford, West Yorkshire BD7 1DP, United Kingdom Abstract— The paper reports on recent developments and challenges one subscription on a broadband connection. Other important issues focused on multimedia distribution over IP. These are subject for are billing and content protection, ., copyright issues, encryption research within the research project ”Routing in Overlay Networks and authentication (Digital Rights Management). (ROVER)”, recently granted by the EuroNGI Network of Excellence (NoE). Participants in the project are Blekinge Institute of Technology The convergence between fixed and mobile services that is cur- (BTH) in Karlskrona, Sweden, University of Bradford in UK, University rently happening in the wide and local area networking is expected to of Catalunia in Barcelona, Spain and University of Pisa in Italy. happen in home networking as well. This puts an additional burden on The foundation of multimedia distribution is provided by several multimedia distribution, which means that wireless access solutions components, the most important ones being services, content distribution chain and protocols. The fundamental idea is to use the Internet for of different types (., WiMAX) must be considered as well. The content acquisition, management and delivery to provide, ., Internet consequence of adding Triple Play to wireless services is known as Protocol Television (IPTV) infrastructure with Quality of Service (QoS) Quadruple Play. facilities. Another important goal is to offer the end user the so-called It is important to consider mechanisms and protocols put forth by Triple Play, which means grouping together Internet .