Good administrators must know their competition. In this module we will explore some of the different way unauthorized access occurs and the security implications that open certain doors to attack. This is by no means an exhaustive examination and a great administrator must continue to perform reseach to keep apprised of new techniques as they are develpoped. | Security KnowledgeNet Security Student Guide Version 2003 Inc. All Rights Reserved. KNOWLEDGENET is a registered trademark and the K DESIGN and THE BEST OF A NEW BREED are trademarks of Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. MODULE 1 - HACKING CRACKING AND ATTACKS 1-1 Objectives 1-1 Outline 1-1 LESSON 1 WHY SECURITY IS NECESSARY 1 -3 Why is Security Necessary 1-5 Structured Threats 1-7 Unstructured Threats 1-8 Internal Threats 1-9 External Threats 1-10 Summary 1-11 LESSON 2 RECONNAISSANCE TECHNIQUES 1 -13 Sniffing 1-15 Ping Sweeps 1-16 Port Sweeps 1-18 Evasive Sweeps 1-20 OS Identification 1-21 Summary 1-22 LESSON 3 ACCESS TECHNIQUES 1-25 Replay 1-27 Session Hijacking 1-28 Man-in-the-middle 1-29 Backdoor 1-30 Social Engineering 1-31 Technology Exploitation 1-32 Protocol Exploitation 1-33 TCP 1-34 UDP 1-36 ICMP 1-37 SNMP 1-38 SMTP 1-40 OS System Hacks 1-41 Buffer Overflow 1-42 Cookies 1-43 Signed Applets 1-44 Weak keys 1-45 Mathematical 1-47 Birthday 1-48 Password Attacks 1-49 Brute Force Attacks 1-51 Dictionary Attacks 1-52 Summary 1-53 LESSON 4 DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACKS 1-55 Copyright 2003 Inc. All rights reserved. KnowledgeNet Network