Set up a Backtrack system that is accessible over the internet from the phone in my pocket. What can I say? I like to practice my metasploit syntax while waiting in the doctor's office. Oh, and I'd also like to do it as cheaply as possible and in some relatively secure fashion. | BackTrack in your back pocket or Accessing a BackTrack server via mobile phone in some vaguely secure way ill. AT T 11 57 PM E BdckTrack 4 R2 CodeName Nemesis Security Auditing M I j For more information visit http Last login Thu Mar 24 23 55 37 2011 from root@bt msfc msfcli msfconsole root@bt msfconsole I Generic Security cc BY-SA Karl Sigler The Objective Set up a Backtrack system that is accessible over the internet from the phone in my pocket. What can I say I like to practice my metasploit syntax while waiting in the doctor s office. Oh and I d also like to do it as cheaply as possible and in some relatively secure fashion. Generic Security BY-SA Karl Sigler The Solution BT4 R2 under VMWare o This would allow me to move it around as well as maintain a Known Good snapshot VNC and SSH o This would allow me to access the system from any computer that had a tunneling ssh client specifically my phone Secure it o a good password changed frequently even better to use certificate authentication for ssh o frequent reverts to the Known Good snapshot o tunnel VNC through SSH o changing the default SSH port from tcp 22 o port knocking in order to gain access note sample configuration files will be in the Speaker Notes where appropriate Generic Security BY-SA Karl Sigler .