Tilapia tolerate adverse water quality and other stressors better than most other commercial aquaculture species. Because stress and environmental quality play such important roles in the disease process, tilapia are labeled as being very "disease-resistant." This basically means that in the presence of pathogens, tilapia are the last to break with disease. | Tilapia Diseases 101 Tilapia tolerate adverse water quality and other stressors better than most other commercial aquaculture species. Because stress and environmental quality play such important roles in the disease process tilapia are labeled as being very disease-resistant. This basically means that in the presence of pathogens tilapia are the last to break with disease. As a result tilapia growers worldwide did not historically practice clean culture methods. Moreover they did not generally implement the biosecurity measures that had become standard in industries that grew less diseaseresistant fish such as trout and salmon. In other words there was no apparent penalty for being careless - or so it seemed. Ten years ago it was generally believed that there were very few commercially significant diseases in aquaculture. This is no longer true. There are now several significant diseases in tilapia. Some are very new while others are old foes that have come on with a new vengeance. This resurgence of disease in tilapia is most likely related to the intensification of fish culture methods globally. Tilapia are being reared at higher densities than ever before and more tilapia are being reared in recirculating systems every year. Although tilapia perform exceptionally well in recirculation systems so do pathogens. Once a pathogen is introduced into a recirculating system it is nearly impossible to eradicate. Eradication of a pathogen generally involves depopulating sterilizing and repopulating the facility. Of course the farmers lose all the money they had invested in the fish themselves and even after the sterilization they never quite knows if they destroyed all the pathogens. And if by some miracle the farmers survive the next seven months without revenues while pouring money into new fish they ve lost their faithful customers. Bleak picture - just ask any tilapia grower that suffers from Streptococcus Trichodina systemic Columnaris or Aeromonas. In order to .