Editing php|architect is, at the same time, a blessing and a curse. On the plus side, I get to read some really exciting material every month. On the minus side I have to read all that material every month before the deadline for the next issue! | APRIL 05 VOLUME IV - ISSUE 4 A php architect The Magazine For PHP Professionals ABSTRAC Turn your work to child s play with RDBMS independent code SECURITY AND SOAP TRANSACTIONS How to create your own SOAP-driven daemons on your servers ADVANCED SESSIONS AND AUTHENTICATION IN PHP 5 Tackling sessions from the ground up AN XML APPROACH TO TEMPLATING USING PHPTAL CONTINUED. Making the wise choice v SPRING CLEANING Code hygiene for a healthy program life Moon Palace Resort Cancun Mexico. May 11-15 2005 Plus Security Corner Product Review and much more. Maguma vs V- Of A tool that makes it easy to build websites is a good thing. A tool that helps you build websites with the features you want is a better thing. A tool that helps you build websites with features you made yourself . Well that s the best thing. LEARNING PHP WAS NEVER THIS MUCH FUN - 3 php Tropics J - ST 4 i Moon Palace Resort Cancun Mexico. May 11-15 2005 VS . . . Come learn PHP in Paradise with us and spend less than many other conferences Accelerating PHP Applications Marcus Boerger - Implementing PHP 5 OOP Extensions Programming Smarty Wez Furlong - PDO PHP Data Objects Playing Safe PHP and Encryption DB2 Universal Database Chris Shiflett - PHP Security Coding for Safety Some PEAR For You Jason Sweat - Test-driven Development with PHP Ilia Alshanetsky - John Coggeshall - Derick Rethans - Dan Scott - OOP in PHP 5 Marcus Boerger - Wez Furlong - K Chris Shiflett - Jason Sweat - Daniel Kushner - George Schlossnagle - Lukas Smith - Andrei Zmievski For more information and to sign up http tropics Early-bird discount in effect for a limited time f At php tropics take the exam and php arc jagii tipJlDt 3et Zend Certified .and we ll pay your fees The php .