Asian Brand Strategy offers insights, knowledge and perspectives on Asian brands and branding as a strategic tool and provides a comprehensive framework for understanding Asian branding strategies and Asian brands, including success stories and challenges for future growth and strengths. The book includes theoretical frameworks and models and up-to-date case studies on Asian brands, and it a must-read for Asian and Western business leaders as well as anyone interested in the most exciting region of the world. The book presents the Asian Brand Leadership model illustrating the paradigm shift Asian brands need to undertake to unleash their potential | palgrave macmillan Asian Brand Strategy HOW ASIA BUILDS STRONG BRANDS Martin Roll Martin Roll Asian Brand Strategy HOWASLt BUILDS STROIMG BBANBNS palqrave macmillan Martin Roll 2006 All rights reserve o reproduction copy or transmission of this publicafion may to made without written permission. No paragraph publi catieo wiry be reprcdu cud copitd or transmitted save with wsiesen uysmiryion gr ie actusCancr wiou titer eoevieiono otttie CopyrigSt Deciyse ard tatonsc yet 1988 or undid else erysry of tty licuyce permittitg limiyed copying iseued tyther Copyrigtt g eo sĩngAoeccy 90 Tottenham Coutr Read PondonW ctn 4LP. Any pertor wy0 aoes try cslautc0Pitud aot in relation to this publication may be liable tnt usimital ponsecurido ayt cioil set ms fos eUtwr tey The autfiop hos asnerted flis uigfrt tt be iefentifte1 at the ucthot op tfiis work in accordansr ytth the yypyoíphy. Deeigns snd AotentoAst rye8. First puts seet Asos ey PALGRaVE MACMILLAN Houndmills dhsingstoke Hampshire RG21 6XS and 175 Fifth Auence New dork . loam X S Compaoies aifd Shpotgent-owes throughout Ore world PALGRAVs ig Oho globdo arydtmiy .mpyioS ottpe Palgrave Macmirhn ddhsinn of ke. Martin s Pro se LLC ses ot Pe .grave M C9millar lLe s. Macmilles is s regitteted trademsrk in the UniHed SteStf snitsd Kingdam and othes cautsties. Sslgrave It p reoisOarod twdemalW ro thr rotopear Union stp ttyor e9rutriot. ISBN-13 9Cd- iAt39-n279-re ISBN-10 1- 3 P-927t-n7 This booBiu orinteden ppper suitable for recycling and made from fully managtd nsid tNsUa inet forest gsunrst. A catalagut record for th boo9 fs nvnilrlrlo from the British Library. A catalf s sesotd go r oets bftk y nvaRtb In from nho Lfora sy o s Conyrecy logstopstSN s 15 14 03 u ri rõ rá ré 07 36 os on on oN oo or rp rr ri .