The Hexadecimal (Hex) number system is used to refer to the binary numbers in a NIC or IPv6 address. The word hexadecimal comes from the Greek word for 16. Hexadecimal is often abbreviated "0x", zero and lower case x. Hex numbers use 16 unique digits to display any combination of eight binary digits as only two hexadecimal digits. A Byte, or 8 bits, can range from 00000000 to 11111111. A Byte can create 256 combinations with decimal values ranging from 0 to 255 or Hex values 0 to FF. Each Hex value represents only four binary bits. The alpha (A-F) values. | Cisco Svstems I Lab Hexadecimal Conversions Objective Learn the process to convert hexadecimal values to decimal and binary values. Learn the process to convert decimal and binary values to hexadecimal values. Practice converting between decimal binary and hexadecimal values. Background Preparation The Hexadecimal Hex number system is used to refer to the binary numbers in a NIC or IPv6 address. The word hexadecimal comes from the Greek word for 16. Hexadecimal is often abbreviated 0x zero and lower case x. Hex numbers use 16 unique digits to display any combination of eight binary digits as only two hexadecimal digits. A Byte or 8 bits can range from 00000000 to 11111111. A Byte can create 256 combinations with decimal values ranging from 0 to 255 or Hex values 0 to FF. Each Hex value represents only four binary bits. The alpha A-F values are not case sensitive. A tool that makes the conversion of hexadecimal to decimal values simple is the following table. Use the same techniques as covered in binary to decimal conversions. The first row is the two Hex positions. The value row starts as 1 and 16 base 16 for each position to the left. Position 2 1 Value 16 1 Note Steps are provided at the end of this lab in the use of the Windows Scientific Calculator to check the work. Dec Hex Binary 0 0 0000 1 1 0001 2 2 0010 3 3 0011 4 4 0100 5 5 0101 6 6 0110 7 7 0111 8 8 1000 9 9 1001 10 A 1010 11 B 1011 12 C 1100 13 D 1101 14 E 1110 15 F 1111 Steps for Hex to decimal conversion 1. Break the Hex value into pairs. Start at the right side. For example 77CE becomes 77 and CE. Insert a zero in the first position if necessary to complete the first pair. 2. Put each Hex pair in row three. The value in parenthesis is the decimal value of A-F. 3. To get the decimal values in row four multiply the row two values by row three. 1 - 4 CCNA 1 Networking Basics v - Lab Copyright 2003 Cisco Systems Inc. 4. Now just add row four across. Steps for decimal to Hex conversion 1.