Indicates that this message describes an ICMP packet. | Field Description ICMP Indicates that this message describes an ICMP packet. rcvd type 3 The type field can be one of the following 0 Echo reply 3 Destination unreachable 4 Source quench 5 Redirect 8 Echo 9 Router Discovery Protocol advertisement 10 Router Discovery Protocol solicitations 11 Time exceeded 12 Parameter problem 13 Timestamp 14 Timestamp reply 15 Information request 16 Information reply 17 Mask request 18 Mask reply code 1 This field is a code. The meaning of the code depends upon the type field value Echo and Echo Reply The code field is always zero. Destination Unreachable The code field can have the following values o 0 Network unreachable o 1 Host unreachable o 2 Protocol unreachable o 3 Port unreachable o 4 Fragmentation needed and DF bit set o 5 Source route failed Source Quench The code field is always 0. Redirect The code field can have the following values o 0 Redirect datagrams for the network o 1 Redirect datagrams for the host o 2 Redirect datagrams for the command mode of service and network o 3 Redirect datagrams for the command mode of service and host Router Discovery Protocol Advertisements and Solicitations The code field is always zero. Time Exceeded The code field can have the following values o 0 Time to live exceeded in transit o 1 Fragment reassembly time exceeded Parameter Problem The code field can have the following values o 0 General problem o 1 Option is missing o 2 Option missing no room to add Timestamp and Timestamp Reply The code field is always zero. Information Request and Information Reply The code field is always zero. Mask Request and Mask Reply The code field is always zero. from Source address of the ICMP packet. ICMP Indicates that this message describes an ICMP packet. src The address of the sender of the echo. dst The address of the receiving router. echo reply Indication the router received an echo .