Your network is growing. You have out grown your 2900 and need to add more port capacity. As time goes on, your plan is to continue to add Catalyst 2900 switches in your IDFs. At this point you are adding a Catalyst 4000 in your MDF to tie all of these 2900s together. In order to make adds/moves/changes easier to manage, you will configure VLANs throughout your entire network. The 4000 will be at the core of this switch configuration. | Lab VLAN Trunking and VTP Domain 24 24 Ports 2 4-16 24 fa0 2-fa0 3 Ports 2 19-2 24 Native Native Accounting VLAN1 VLAN1 VLAN10 24 Ports 2 25-2 30 24 Ports 2 31-2 34 Trunk Port 2 3 DLSwitch1 4006 24 Marketing VLAN20 Engineering VLAN30 Workstation Port 1 24 fa0 4-fa0 6 24 fa0 10-fa0 12 24 fa0 7-fa0 9 Marketing VLAN20 ALSwitch 2900XL 24 Accounting VLAN10 Engineering VLAN30 Workstation Objective Configure a VLAN trunk between a Catalyst 4000 switch and Catalyst 2900 switch. Scenario Your network is growing. You have out grown your 2900 and need to add more port capacity. As time goes on your plan is to continue to add Catalyst 2900 switches in your IDFs. At this point you are adding a Catalyst 4000 in your MDF to tie all of these 2900s together. In order to make adds moves changes easier to manage you will configure VLANs throughout your entire network. The 4000 will be at the core of this switch configuration. You will need to configure the link between the 4000 and 2900 as a trunk line which will extend the VLAN configuration between both switches. The Catalyst 4000 switch will act as a VLAN VTP server that will propagate VLAN information to the 2900. Design Switched Network VTP Configuration Information Switch VTP Domain VTP Mode DLSwitch1 Corp Server ALSwitch Corp Client Switch VLAN Port Assignments Switch VLAN 1 Default VLAN 10 Accounting VLAN 20 Marketing VLAN 30 Engineering DLSwitch1 19-24 25-30 31-34 ALSwitch 4-6 7-9 10-12 Lab Tasks 1. First configure your 4000 switch to the diagram above. You can skip this step if you already have the Lab 4000 initial setup configured. Console enable Console enable set system name DLSwitchl System name set. DLSwitch1 enable DLSwitch1 enable set password Enter old password Because you do not currently have a password just hit enter Enter new password Retype new password Password changed. DLSwitch1 enable set .