The Marketing Director of the XYZ Company needs help creating a web site that the employees in the Marketing and Sales department will be able to access and provide content and information for their clients. It is your job to create an HTTP site on the server for them to access. | Lab Configuring HTTP Services on Windows 2000 Estimated Time 30 Minutes Objective In this lab the student will configure a Windows 2000 system with HTTP services and create an HTTP server. Equipment The following equipment is required for this exercise A computer system running Windows 2000 Professional Scenario The Marketing Director of the XYZ Company needs help creating a web site that the employees in the Marketing and Sales department will be able to access and provide content and information for their clients. It is your job to create an HTTP site on the server for them to access. Procedures In the first step of this lab start the HTTP services and configure the HTTP site on the server. In the second step configure the HTTP site properties and build the content that will be on the HTTP server. Step 1 Starting the HTTP Services 1. Log on with the administrator account. 2. Open the Control Panel. Go to Start Settings Control Panel. 3. From the Control Panel double-click on the Add Remove Programs icon. 4. Next click on the Add Remove Windows Components button. 5. When the Windows Components Wizard appears click in the box next to Internet Information Services IIS . 1 - 4 IT Essentials II - Lab Copyright 2002 Cisco Systems Inc. 6. Click the Next button to install the Internet Information Services. The Windows 2000 CD will be needed to complete the installation. When prompted insert the Windows 2000 CD to copy the necessary files. The installation process will complete in a few minutes. 7. Click F inish to close the Installation box. Then click Close to close the Add Remove Programs Box. Close the Control Panel as well. Step 2 Configuring the HTTP sites properties and building the content 1. Open the Start Menu and go to Programs Administrative Tools Internet Services Manager. This will open the IIS configuration page where the user can begin to configure and create an HTTP site. 2 - 4 IT Essentials II - Lab Copyright 2002 Cisco .