Imagine that an important customer in your firm commissions you to complete a sophisticated worldwide market study that will form the basis of a global expansion strategy. Or that you are responsible for the development of the product which will determine your firm’s ability to go public. Or you are in charge of handling the merger of your firm with another. Further imagine that in these situations you receive a strict budget and a precise schedule. You are, as such, involved in a project— and, moreover, you are involved in managing a project. Deliverables must be completed according to a schedule, which is usually aggressive, and. | Harvard Business School 9-697-034 Rev. October 6 1997 roject Management Manual ESTABLISH THE PROJECT ORGANIZATION PLAN THE PROJECT DEVELOP THE WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE CLOSE OUT THE PROJECT PLANNING MANAGING PROJECTS PLAN THE PROJECT FRAMEWORK DEFINE THE PROJECT PARAMETERS DEFINE ORGANIZ THE PROJECT -----14------ ASSEMBLE THE PROJECT DEFINITION DOCUMENT DEVELOP SCHEDULE 23 RESOURCES OPTIMIZE TRADEOFFS 25 DEVELOP RISK MANAGEMENT PLANS PLAN TAKE ADAPTIVE ACTION Harvard Business School prepared this manual from materials developed by IPS Associates Inc. as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation. IPS Associates Inc. is located at 1680 Bayport San Carlos California 94070. Copyright 1996 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials call 1-800-545-7685 or write Harvard Business School Publishing Boston MA 02163. No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system used in a spreadsheet or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without the permi ssion of Harvard Business School. 1 697-034 Project Management Manual Table of Contents Page A Brief History of Project The Emerging Importance of Project Management Process Project Management Process Model Figure 1 .6 1. DEFINE AND ORGANIZE THE PROJECT Establish the Project Project Team Roster Figure 2 .10 Define the Project Plan the Project Issues Action Items Tracking Form Figure 3 .16 Assemble the Project Definition 2. PLAN THE PROJECT Develop the Work Breakdown Work Breakdown Structure Sample Figure 4 .18 Develop the Schedule. 20 Dependencies Figure 5 .22 Dependency Diagram PERT Chart Sample Figure 6 .24 Gantt Chart Sample Figure 7 .26 .