longman english grammar practice intermediate self study edition phần 6

Tham khảo tài liệu 'longman english grammar practice intermediate self study edition phần 6', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 10 Be Have Do There be A Study E Write Study Write There be as a natural choice LEG 1 We use there is etc. Not it has or it is when we are talking about or asking about the existence of people things etc. It is more natural to say There s a man at the door than to say A man is at the door. 2 We use there is there was there will be there has been had been when we want to - announce or report events There ll be a meeting tomorrow. There s been an accident. - seta scene for story-telling There had been no rain for months. The earth was bare. a Tick the sentences which sound more idiomatic or natural . b Rephrase the unticked sentences using There. 1 There are two men at the door tX. . 2 A good clothes shop is not far from 3 There was an interesting article about that in yesterday s paper. 4 A photograph of that girl was in last week s magazine. 5 A new security system will be in operation from next week. 6 There ll be a lot of supporters at the match. 7 A public holiday is on May 1st. 8 A meeting between the two world leaders will be in Helsinki. There is etc. compared with it is etc. LEG First we show existence with There is then we use personal pronouns he she it or they to give more details There was a concert in our village last night existence It The concert was in the village hall more details Note how this happens in the following sentences There s a bus coming but it s full. There s a man at the door. It s the postman compare A There s a man at the door. He wants to speak to you. There are some children at the door. They want to see Jimmy. There s a van stopping outside. It s someone delivering something. Supply there and a personal pronoun it he she or they in the blanks. 1 .Th . were a lot of people at the concert and all enjoyed it. 2 . s a policewoman waiting to see you. s in your office. 3 . s a parcel here for you. I think. s that book you ve been waiting for. 4 . II be a new boy in your class today. s just .

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