Hệ thống dữ liệu liên quan. Theo hướng khác, các hướng dẫn chuyển máy chủ CDN, dừng lại hoặc bắt đầu phí, bắt đầu truyền dữ liệu, vv. EEPROM chứa các đặc tính của ắc kiểm soát (tối đa hiện tại, công suất danh định, cuối Tiêu chí phí vv.) Aussi EEPROM chứa năng lực thực tế (phụ thuộc vào tuổi tác và chu kỳ phí) và một bản sao an toàn của thực tế phí đăng ký. Đề xuất cho phần cứng khác xem Phần , Kiểm tra pin và phát hiện Fail điện | Battery Charge Meter system related data. In the other direction the host can transfer instructions stop or start of charge start of data transmission etc. The EEPROM contains the characteristic of the controlled accumulator maximum current nominal capacity end of charge criteria etc. The EEPROM also contains the actual capacity dependent on age and charge cycles and a safety copy of the actual charge register. For additional hardware proposals see Section Battery Check and Power Fail Detection. Figure 4 37. Battery Charge Meter MSP430C32x 4-76 Connection of Sensors Connection of Sensors The MSP430 family allows the connection of nearly all types of sensors. Some special connections are shown in the following sections. Sensor Connection and Linearization Figure 4 38 shows the connection of simple resistive sensors to the MSP430C32x. The current source resistor Rex needs to be calculated in a way that allows its use for both sensor circuits Rsens2 and Rsens3 . The different connections shown in Figure 4 38 are described in detail in Chapter 2 The Analog-to-Digital Converters. Figure 4-38. Resistive Sensors Connected to MSP430C32x Voltage Supply The sensor Rsens1 in Figure 4 38 is connected this way. Resistor Rv supplies the sensor and is used for the Linearization also. The optimum value of Rv with dependence of Rsens is Rv Rm X Ru Ro - 2 X Ru X Ro Ru Ro - 2 X Rm Where Ru Sensor resistance at the lower temperature limit Tu Ro Sensor resistance at the upper temperature limit To Rm Sensor resistance at the midpoint temperature To Tu 2 The ADC values measured are independent of the supply voltage Vcc because the measurements are made relative to Vcc. Application Examples 4-77 Connection of Sensors Current Supply Sensor Rsens2 in Figure 4-38 is connected this way. If a linearization of the sensor is desired the same formula used for the resistor Rv with voltage supply can be used for the resistor Rlin see Section Voltage Supply . .